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Togo : Resurgence of terrorist attacks in the north Spécial


Source : Sahel weather October 2024 

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Since 2021, northern Togo, which borders Burkina Faso, has faced recurrent incursions by terrorists affiliated to the Groupe de soutien à l'Islam et aux Musulmans (GSIM) or the Etat islamique dans le Grand Sahara (EIGS). Despite the efforts of the defense and security forces to counter these attacks in the Savanes region, two terrorist attacks were recorded within two weeks of each other, resulting in loss of life and material damage. This situation is worrying the local population, as one resident of the Kpendjal-Ouest area told RFI: “Not a week goes by without an incident, it's impossible”. The recurrence of attacks in the north of the country has made this region the epicenter of irruptions by armed jihadist groups. These incidents are increasing the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs), leading to a humanitarian and socio-economic crisis for populations who have fled their villages. On the political front, the opposition platform Dynamique pour la majorité du peuple (DMP) continues to demand that “light be shed” following the public meeting organized at the headquarters of the African Peoples' Democratic Convention, where Togolese and African political figures were injured.