Sacré-Coeur 3 – BP 15177 CP 10700 Dakar Fann – SENEGAL.
+221 33 827 34 91 / +221 77 637 73 15
Since 2012, the Sahel region, with its immense economic potential, has been the scene of an unprecedented crisis, which is now giving rise to economic, political and social challenges. This situation has led to security problems, aggravated by the rise of violent extremism and inter-community conflicts. A crisis context that prevails in a region where women suffer from a low level of involvement in both political life and crisis resolution processes. Long considered the most efficient and functional regional community, ECOWAS is coming under increasing criticism. These tend to undermine and call into question its influence over its member states, particularly since the coups d'état in Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
Already at the bottom of the ladder, women in the ECOWAS region are increasingly suffering the consequences of political instability and uncertainty. It is against this backdrop that REPSFECO, a sub-regional structure active in peace-building and conflict prevention, is taking the initiative of organizing, in partnership with the Timbuktu Institute, an online reflection meeting on March 6, 2023 on the theme of "Women's action in the ECOWAS region in the face of political transitions ". The objectives of this meeting, in which women and young people will take part, are to:
- Mitigate the potential negative impact of political transitions on women's rights and political participation by focusing on the challenges and opportunities these transitions present for the advancement of women's rights.
- Examine the role and interventions of REPSFECO with a particular focus on how the organization can positively influence the advancement of rights in changing political contexts.
- Identify the levers that REPSFECO can use to promote gender-sensitive electoral processes and a culture of democracy in our countries.
- To devise strategies for collaboration with civil society under the aegis of REPSFECO and the scientific support of the Timbuktu Institute, in order to generate initiatives for the participation of young people and women in the governance of our West African states.