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Source : Sahel weather December 2024
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In 2024, Burkina Faso was hit by a series of terrorist attacks, particularly in the northern part of the country.Throughout the year, the security situation worsened, with kidnappings of public figures in addition to the attacks.On December 10, Captain Traoré addressed the nation to mark the anniversary of the country's accession to sovereignty. He took advantage of Burkina Faso's 64th anniversary to affirm that his country would not return to “slavery”. According to him, “We are a proud, fighting, warlike and dignified people. And we will continue to be so.He was also keen to denounce the attempts at interference by the great powers, whose aim is to take advantage of terrorism to exploit their wealth. In his words, Burkina Faso is a “victim” of its wealth.
In the same vein, on December 31, in his traditional address to the nation, the Head of State announced the creation of at least five rapid intervention battalions to be placed in strategic zones, and of a Sahel expeditionary group to reconquer the territory, a large part of which is controlled by terrorist groups.
Burkina Faso is resolutely committed to fighting the perpetrators of terrorism and other serious acts that threaten the country's stability. At the close of the December 16-23 session of the Judicial Pole specializing in the repression of acts of terrorism, 12 life sentences and 85 sentences of 5 to 21 years' imprisonment were handed down to individuals tried for these acts.
The kidnapping of a prominent member of civil society by civilians at the beginning of the month was a major event in the country's news. Daouda Diallo was abducted in broad daylight on December 1 while renewing his passport. This act continues to worry human rights organizations, who protest against these attempts to “muzzle” civil society actors. Mr. Diallo has been known for some time for his critical stance towards the country's authorities. Indeed, the Collectif contre l'impunité et la stigmatisation des communautés (CISC), of which he is secretary general, has denounced his arbitrary abduction and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.
In December, the main news was the dissolution of the government by Captain Traoré. He decided to dismiss the Prime Minister, while keeping the other members of the government in their posts until a new one was formed. His replacement, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo, presented his policy statement, which focused on the fight against terrorism, the management of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other priorities. He is determined to pursue the government's efforts in the fight against jihadist attacks, and thus reconquer areas that have fallen into the hands of terrorists.