Côte d'Ivoire : Political negotiations and reinforced  strategies  Spécial


Source : Sahel weather February 2025

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On the political scene, the concept of "Ivoirité" is in vogue. Indeed, Tidiane Thiam, candidate for the Parti démocratique de Côte d'Ivoire-Rassemblement démocratique africain (PDCI-RDA), is the target of criticism from his opponents, and even within his own political party. On February 18, four militants from his party challenged the legitimacy of his election before the courts. This case deserves particular attention, as it has plunged the country into an unprecedented crisis in the past. It should be remembered that the former Crédit Suisse strongman has applied to the French Embassy in Abidjan to renounce his French nationality. In any case, his duel with Alassane Ouattara is eagerly awaited by observers.

Meanwhile, the presidential race is becoming increasingly murky. Alassane Ouattara has still not announced his candidacy, while Laurent Gbagbo is still in limbo. At the age of 80, Gbagbo is still fighting for re-registration, and in February embarked on a nationwide political tour. Will he be able to afford his politics and face his historic rival once again? In any case, he is ready to fight for a "fair" presidential election. For his part, wealthy businessman Jean-Louis Billon is pulling out all the stops to counter the candidacy of his party brother, Tidiane Thiam. The latter is between two fronts: attacks from the government and from his own opposition clan. He is still determined to do battle with his political "enemies" to win the next elections. On February 8, he met the party's teacher members in Yamoussoukro. This action is part of the mobilization tours he has been undertaking for several months. On the other hand, Charles Blé Goudé and Guillaume Soro continue to declare their candidacies despite the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads from Lady Justice. Will they be acquitted? In any case, they are determined to play a major role in what promises to be a turbulent presidential election. 

Meanwhile, the 10-year prison sentences handed down to two members of Laurent Gbagbo's entourage made headlines in February. Damana Pickass, 2nd vice-president of the PPA-CI party, and one of his comrades, were prosecuted on charges of undermining national defense through various serious acts that could threaten the government. For their supporters, this arrest is quite simply a "political trial". According to one of their lawyers, "Those who are being sentenced here are close, loyal lieutenants of Laurent Gbagbo... The elections are coming soon! This court decision is likely to rekindle the political climate, which has hitherto been rather tense.

After months of talks between Paris and Yamoussoukro, France has finally handed over the military base to Côte d'Ivoire. This is the culmination of a process to strengthen Côte d'Ivoire's autonomy in defense matters, as Alassane Ouattara so aptly announced in his New Year's speech. On February 20, the 43rd Infantry and Marine Battalion was officially renamed "Camp Ouattara Thomas d'Aquin Ouattara", as announced in our January issue. This base had been occupied by the former colony for half a century. This affair once again raises the question of military sovereignty in Africa. The country's authorities and their partners are still committed to the fight against terrorism, which continues to sow terror in the Sahel and is advancing towards coastal countries. Taking advantage of the naming ceremony for the new military camp in Abidjan, Sébastien Lecornu was keen to point out that terrorism has not disappeared in Côte d'Ivoire, but has migrated to social networks. France is still present in Côte d'Ivoire, albeit in a different form.

In the same vein, Côte d'Ivoire has strengthened its legal framework to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The Groupe de Surveillance Financière GSF() was created by presidential decree as part of the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. A reading of the communiqué issued by the Council of Ministers on February 12 reveals a "...deployment of supervisory authorities in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as provided for by the Order of March 30, 2022 determining the system of administrative sanctions applicable in the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction" (Spokesman).

Meanwhile, diplomatic tensions between Abidjan and Ouagadougou continued to rise this month. The rumor of the arrest of 18 Ivorian soldiers on Burkina Faso soil is fuelling further controversy.

On the other hand, the case of the Grand-Bassam attack has marked this month's news in Côte d'Ivoire. As a reminder, on March 13, 2016, the country was the scene of a murderous attack that sowed chaos for a time. At the trial that opened on February 3, the judges of the Abidjan Court of Appeal found 4 men guilty on appeal of terrorist acts, and sentenced them to life imprisonment.