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+221 33 827 34 91 / +221 77 637 73 15
The Fragility Forum 2024 (FF2024) is a high-level event organized by the World Bank to be held in a hybrid format from February 27 to 29, 2024 in Washington, DC. Complementing this three-day program, a Partnership Day will take place on March 1, 2024 highlighting the importance of collaboration in addressing the multidimensional challenges related to Fragility, Conflict and Violence. Partnership Day will provide a platform for dialogue and discussion led by key partners.
It is within this framework that the Timbuktu Institute - African Center for Peace Studies has proposed an event in the form of a round tableinspired by the experiences developed by the Institute in the Sahel and in coastal countries in terms of community involvement and approaches to mitigate top-down strategies. Part of the "Fragility Observatory" launched by the Institute, this discussion will focus on listening to local communities and taking greater account of local initiatives, as well as the relevance of endogenous solutions and strategies, particularly in building resilience to the vulnerabilities and fragilities affecting various countries in the Sahel and coastal Africa.
This panel discussion will focus on the theme: "The role of local communities in building resilience and preventing conflicts that may affect vulnerable groups (women, young people, etc.)".
Coordinated and moderated by Dr. Bakary Sambe, Founder and Regional Director of the Timbuktu Institute, this panel will see the participation of :
Amb. Oumou Sall Seck- Mayor of Goundam, Mujeres por Africa - (Mali)
Ms. Cendrine Nama - Activist/ Executive Director CORTEX (Burkina Faso)
Dr. Abdourahamane Dicko - Zinder University - (Niger)
Mr. Tazieff Minhas, Association Barika (Benin)
Moderator: Dr. Bakary Sambe, Regional Director, Timbuktu Institute - Dakar (Senegal)
Registration is now open here