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The complete withdrawal of MINUSMA, the UN peacekeeping mission, has been hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step forward, despite the many challenges encountered. However, the withdrawal comes against a backdrop of continuing tensions between the Malian government and northern Tuareg separatist groups, despite the effective recapture of Kidal - a political and military success for the transitional government.
At the same time, the Malian authorities received a delivery of drones from Turkey as part of their efforts to strengthen national defense capabilities. This acquisition is part of Mali's strategic reorientation, marked by a break with the former French colonial power and a rapprochement with partners such as Turkey and Russia. However, these developments raise concerns about the impact on regional security dynamics and diplomatic relations with traditional international players, who fear a loss of influence that has been underway for some time.
In addition, recurrent attacks on Fulani villages near Ségou have been reported, highlighting the persistent intercommunity tensions and security challenges facing Mali. These attacks were condemned by the Tabital Pulaaku association, which stressed the need for urgent action to protect civilians and promote reconciliation between the country's different ethnic groups.
Finally, the ruling junta announced the end of the 2015 Algiers Agreement, considered moribund since the resumption of hostilities in the north of the country. This decision marks a new stage in Mali's political evolution and raises questions about the future of the peace process and regional stability. In response to this situation, the Malian authorities have set up an inter-Malian dialogue committee with the aim of promoting a peaceful resolution to internal conflicts. Where the Tuaregs had rejected the idea of an inter-Malian dialogue proposed by the ruling junta, believing it called into question the 2015 peace agreement. However, uncertainties persist as to the composition and concrete objectives of this committee, raising doubts as to its ability to restore peace and stability in the country, despite the launch of the inter-Malian dialogue, whose players have just been designated and which marks a new stage in the affirmation of the policy of sovereignty initiated by Bamako since the departure of France.