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In Nigeria, the first annual consultation meeting between the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the Mediation and Security Council (at ambassadorial level) of the Economic Community of West African States was held on April 24 in Abuja. The meeting was organized to examine peace and security issues in the context of the implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture and the African Governance Architecture. During the summit, African leaders called for greater cooperation against terrorism. Countries such as Nigeria, Togo and Ghana called for the creation of a military force to counter large-scale, long-term terrorist operations. During the summit, Ms. Amina Mohammed, Vice Secretary-General of the United Nations, informed us that the epicenter of terrorism has shifted from the Middle East and North Africa to Sub-Sahelian Africa, concentrated mainly in the Sahel region, adding that half of all deaths due to terrorism in the world now come from this region.
Another milestone in Nigeria is the tenth anniversary of the Chibok kidnapping. As a reminder, on April 14, 2014, 276 girls were abducted by a jihadist group in Borno State. Nearly a hundred of them are still missing. The kidnapping was the first in a series of mass abductions of schoolgirls in this West African country. It shocked the world and triggered a global social media campaign known by the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.